Monday, March 26, 2012

Summer Prep Week 2

SO last week we had very much SUMMER conditions and it was QUITE inspiring as far as Preparing for Summer goes. Now I sit here on a Monday...a grey Monday, and need to plan for week 2. I can actually see those flurries we were all completely aware were coming when we were sporting the flip flops last week. Can I just say how nice it was last week to have the windows open? ALL NIGHT?! Ok so lets start with a review of last week's goals

Increase Exercise levels
Start Skin Rejuvenation
Make Battle Plan for Spring Cleaning

Check, check, and check.

Exercise...still not as consistent as I would like to be, but the goal was increase...and I did...

Start Skin Rejuvenation MAJOR progress there. The majority of my Winter Skin issues are gone, or at least WAY more under control than they have been

Make Battle plan for Spring cleaning...I kind of made this one WAY easy, probably because I'm a MAJOR Procrastinator. But yes...the battle plan is in place...

SO this week's goals

Increase Exercise level...waaaait...wasn't that LAST week's goal? Yes...but like I said, I'm not completely last week it was a 45min walk and I think I did it 2-3 times. That walk, stays...BUT more to it than that. The walks weren't solidified DAILY...and they'll probably stay that way. BUT I can put more into my day. Starting tomorrow (because it's already gone for today) there will be some running added to the schedule (because I plan on doing Marathon by the Sea again this summer) AND Yoga (because I like it). If it's crappy out Yoga it is. If I have a whole week of crappy, well, kickboxing will be brought in. Before it's said, I likely will avoid dancing...I'm not a fan of I couldn't see me dragging myself out of bed to dance...

Drink my 8 glasses a day! Ok so the skin Rejuvenation from last week STAYS, but welcome to the second step. Hydration! It's good for the skin, and for you in general. I'm typically a camel...but these days...I'm not drinking as much this is my goal...8 a day...PS I've done this before...I can do it again

Get 1 room completely spring cleaned! Ok see, I'm moving forward! Though I AM starting in the easiest (because it's smallest) room in my place.

SO that's this week's goals!

Increase Exercise (again)
Get my 8 Glasses a Day
Get on my Spring cleaning (one room MINIMUM completed by next week)

There You have it!

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