Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The 7 Grocery Shopping Mistakes!

So I came across this article talking about the biggest mistakes we make when grocery shopping...yes there IS a right way and a wrong way to do it. I saw this and couldn't resist, I HAD to do something with the list so here goes.

1. Buying Fresh over Frozen. While there are SOME on this list that I'm guilt of, this is not one of them. a Perk to buying frozen over fresh, is less food waste. I've done a lot of research on this stuff and when you buy frozen you're NOT sacraficing nutrients. I used to think this too. PERFECT example, when I was 18 and first started living on my own, I bough canned spinach. CANNED doesn't have the same nutrients (but it is awesome), but by the time I was 20, I was thinking of nutrition (I was out of college by then). So I started buying fresh. NOW I'm not saying I never buy fresh anymore, because I do. I just need to know what I'm buying it FOR. If I'm giong to boil it or cook it in something, I SURE DO go frozen. If I need it for salad or a toping on a sandwich or something, hello fresh. I supposed this is the LONG way of saying, don't be a slave to fresh...

2. Shopping on an empty stomach. Uh, I think I've known this one for YEARS. If you're not aware of it, come into the light. If you've ever done research on how to PROPERLY diet, you're aware, you're not supposed to starve yourself. This is when you'll binge. WELL it's a similar idea. when you go to the grocery store and you're hungry, everything looks AWESOME! What's more it makes it's way to your cart

3.Hitting the produce sectrion first. I was not aware of this one. Apparently when we go to those sections we're bombarded with "sales" there and in the bakery section. So they say to start in the isles of the store and THEN the perimiter. This will keep you away from the buys that are too good to pass up. I don't know about you but for me personally, that's ALWAYS the section I forget stuff in too, so it's a tip I think I may have to try out

4.Anything at the checkout. I think most of us are aware these are the impluse items. This is the want stuff, not the need. I can't tell you how many times I've walked out with the new cosmo, ore Every day with Racheal Ray..they weren't on my list

5. Over buying Sale items. These are the "too good to pass up" Items. The ones we have a ton of but don't nessecarily use. I've fallen vicitim, I have a bunch of KD at home...and I RARELY eat KD.

6. Shopping without a list. I've done it with, I've done it without...and I DEFINATELY prefer with. When you go without, that bill can add up QUICK. If you have your list, and STICK to it, you're less likely to add "other" stuff. NOT to mention for me anyway I usually have a rough idea WHAT I'm going to end up paying

7. Being obsessed with coupons. Ok, guilty. This is actually how the KD thing happened. I think I have found a healthy level though. I'm a flyer reader, and I often go through my shoebox of coupons to see what matches up. I can't say I ever pay full price for coffee, or laundry detergent. But keeping in mind what I need VS what I need to get ot use a coupon, and knowing the difference? That's what's important. I DO usually use a couple each week, but I'm not extreme couponer.

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