Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #29

Logo Credit Nate Williams

So quite often with the Anti-Bully Blog, I find I have VERY little material, but always have ONE thing I can write about. So I take that topic and then I hope that there will be something the next week. For the most part there always is. If there weren't material then the problem would be gone...and I don't see that happening ANY time soon (unfortunately). So this week once again, I have just ONE thing to talk about, but it's rather important.

So last year I interviewed a lady from Kids Help Phone about their annual walk. Last year it was a last min thing and there wasn't heavy involvement. This year? WHOLE new ball game.

I've been asked to HOST the Walk for Kids Help Phone, at Rockwood Park on May the 6th. It's SWIFTLY approaching and I'm pretty proud they've requested me to host it.

Kids Help Phone is a pretty well known service. I remember when I was in school we'd get agendas and Kids Help Phone would ALWAYS have a page! And the numbers are PRETTY high for kids who ACTUALLY use it. In a time where we hear of kids killing themselves on a regular basis, because death seems better than dealing with their lives, do we need the service? UH MORE THAN EVER! Speaking from my OWN experience, I used Kids Help phone in Middle School. One time the issues weren't mine, it was some one I was friends with, but I didn't know how to handle their situation. Kids Help Phone told me what I could do to help my friend. I remember another day I don't know if I was picked on that day or over whelmed by school or what it was, but I just needed some one to talk to that would just listen without judging me. And that was provided to me from Kids Help Phone. Because the service is anonymous people probably don't realize how much it's utilized, OR all the services it has to offer. Kids Help Phone has been around a LONG time, and there's a reason, it's a needed service.

If you can get involved in the walk, that would be AMAZING! I'd love to see you out there on the 6th. More details are available at

Remember anything you think would make a good contribution to the Anti- Bully Blog series, is appreciated! You can FB me, or e-mail me with questions and material ANY time. Also now with the way that FB has timelined...there IS an up side! you can also message the K100 FB page as well, and I can get back to you! just make sure you make it clear the message is for Nancy.

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