Friday, April 13, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition #9 Ingredients

Logo Credit Nate Williams

This week's recipe is Chicken Penne with Broccolini! Never made it before, but I found it on Pinterest, and this is a FANTASTIC week to try it out because of the specials!

Ground Chicken-4 @ Sobeys (I picked it up today and ALMOST missed it, it's in a chest at one of the ends)

Extra Virgin Olive oil- So this is a splurge item, but SERIOUSLY can be used for SO many things, so in my head it justifies it. Don't spend more than $10 on it though, because it's marked down ALL the time. Most I've EVER spent is $7. When I say you can use it for A LOT, I use it in my face scrub, I use it to moisturize my dry/sensitive skin (doesn't clog pores) It's an AWESOME shaving cream...YUP, AND it's a GREAT eye makeup remover...I use it for ALL of these things!

Brocolini- HUH? Yeah I thought the same thing, I've only ever seen it at Superstore and it's about $3 a bunch. Otherwise YES you can use broccoli and it's on sale @ On the vine 1.29

Onion- Bags aren't expensive but if you just want the one shouldn't be more than a buck

Garlic- no more than buck

Ground Chicken- 4 @ Sobeys

Parm cheese

Crushed Red Pepper

Tis all!

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