Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition #10

Logo Credit Nate Williams

So what's GREAT about this post is that I didn't HAVE to test it out this past weekend...because I've made it before! It's also pretty kid friendly. I know when I was a kid I LOVE Ramen noodles...Actually in my friest year of college, I legit tried to live off them alone (for the record...not a good idea). So they get their noodles, but this is a new way to do them! So Friday I gave your your grocery list, here is your ingredient list::

12 cups of water
3 Green onions chopped (I cheat and use scissors )
2 Carrots thinly sliced
2 tblsp Fish or Soy Sauce
1 Tblsp Hot sauce
2 cloves garlic minced ( I cheat and use my press)
2 tblsp Ginger thinly sliced (I put optional, since I don't like ginger I don't use it)
1 tps Basil
4 packs Ramen noodles
1 package of Shrimp (tails removed)
1 Package spinach thawed and drained (or 2 cups fresh)
1 cup sliced mushrooms

Bring water to a boil, add the next 7 ingredients and the ramen noodle packets. Boil for 5 min

Add the remaining ingredients cook 5 more min

Serve...yeah that's ALL there is! This makes A LOT too might I add! Enjoy!

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