Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Where'd the summer goals go!?

So, you might (or might not) be wondering where my "summer prep" posts have gone. Well much like any time some one decides to restrict themselves TOO much...it's disappeared. A couple years back, I dropped a bunch of weight. FANTASTIC! I had myself on a strict diet, one that probably wasn't overly healthy. And I exercised, like CRAZY! It was a pretty intense few months. The problem was, after I did it, I discovered something...I deprived myself of some stuff I like, and I found myself looking to make up for lost time. Welcome back MOST of the weight! In my head I've thought, hey if I want to do it again I can...problem is, I don't want to! Yo-yo dieting isn't a good thing, neither is self loathing. So have I thrown away my "summer prep" goals? Not entirely. I don't know how I did it, but back when I was in college, I had a period of time where I had the state of mind, that I liked how I looked, and if some one else didn't...that was THEIR problem not mine. My goals AREN'T gone, they've just changed. They're healthier, for me physically, AND mentally. I'm NOT in a healthy weight range right now, I'm not far from it, but I'm not THERE. My goals are NOW to get in my healthy range, and stay there. I'm not doing a food journal...I have seen that suggested online SO many times it's not even funny. NOT trashing them, they're a fantastic starting point, and if you're looking to drop more than like 10lbs, they're a good idea. Instead, I'll be making more healthy choices, and I'll indulge in moderation....but I WILL indulge, and enjoy. I'm not perfect, and I think the important thing is accepting that, instead of striving to be that way. WHO I am is far more important than the size of my jeans. I'll NEVER be a size 0, baby got back! I'm good with being a happy size 7, who can have that bag of Loads of Dill pickle chips!   I'll choose healthy foods (most of the time) and move, be it walking, running, yoga, or some wii boxing. I think I'll go nuts if I try and do more than that. Lately too, with one of my dearest friends having a kid, and I've had mommy posts on FB more often, I've thought to the future too. One day, I COULD have a daughter...I don't want her to think that her clothing size some how determines her self worth. I want her to be healthy and happy.  I plan to teach her what I've posted above, to make healthy choices, and move...mush like my father wouldn't allow me to sit on the couch like a lump, I wouldn't allow my kids to either..but how could I teach these things, if I'm not living them myself...kind of makes me a hypocrite doesn't it? So summer goal? Be Healthy, and happy! That's a good one I think...

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