Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anti Bully Blog Series Edition # 30

 Logo Credit Nate Williams

SO can I just say in last week's post, I screwed myself. I said I can usually sit down and fine SOMETHING to post about pertaining to the Anti-Bully Blog. I sat here for a good 10 min staring at a blank screen...I suppose I should have knocked on wood. I really don't have one large topic to talk about this week. It would seem what I DO have are little snipits, more of a news letter thing. SO bear with me and my random all over the placeness.

Somthing I've talked about in past posts, is the movie Bully. How I feel not only should kids be seeing this, it should be shown in schools. If you're actually reading this, odds are you probably agree. I know there would be people out there who would fight it being shown in an assembly or a classroom, but these are the people who think their child can do no wrong. Sorry folks, I'm calling you out. Unless things have changed DRAMATICALLY since I was a kid, the "can do no wrong" Kid, is USUALLY one of the worst offenders. Well now that I've reiterated what I've said in the past (hooray for repatition) the latest on what I've seen. For starters, I've been watching Empire theaters website CLOSELY on this one. I typically have a weekly feature in my show where I announce the new additions to the box office. Well lets start here, unless I'm mistaken, Bully was SUPPOSED to be released the same weekend as American Reunion...and wasn't. IF you go to their website it's still under the coming soon listing. BUT if you click on it looking for show times, there are none. NOW if you read through the reasons WHY they may not be there, the top 2 are, the movie may not be playing there, and the other that the times are not listed. SINCERELY hoping for the later, but there's one little problem. They say typically speaking they update thsi stuff on Tuesday's Wednesday. I'm not jumping the gun. I'm waiting for now...but I'm not sure how ANY theater in NB can justify NOT playing it. We've had so much making headlines in the more recent months, how we could ignore this tool we're being given is something I can't wrap my head around. LIKE I SAID I'm not jumping the gun, but this isn't looking good. ALSO sometimes limited release, comes out a little down the road too, so that's a possibility. So that's that.

Quick reminder of the Walk for kids help phone. I sure did talk about this last week. Kids help phone is a fantastic tool out there for kids and it's been around for years. I support it 100% to the extent I'm hosting it this year. So pleas go to walksokidscantalk, get your details and please join us at rockwood park on May 6th at noon.

I did want to mention something too, more recently I've been getting a LOT of messages from Kids, apparently aware of the blog, and asking me what to do in the case of bullying and telling me about their stories where they were bullied. I do this blog so I am aware that I can be a resource for some. The PROBLEM is when people come to me and want the advice, and I give them a qualified source that ISN'T me. While when I was 13, I was a "Peer Helper" and was trained to listen to people and try and help them resolve things, I'm NOT qualified to flat out tell you what to do. I never have been. I can come up with ideas and options, but in the end the decision is ALWAYS yours. So if you ever message me, please don't be offended when I send you to Bullying Canada. THEY know what they're doing, I wouldn't send you there to brush you off, I send you there because they could help you better than I could.

So that post became FAR longer than I expected. I'm not sure how many people remeber the days where I used to feature people's stories here, and I could keep them anonymous, or shre the name if given permission. That didn't go away because I didn't want them anymore, they went away because people stopped sending them to me. I SO hope it's jsut people being shy and not that this blog is becoming stale. BUT on that note rememebr anything you feel you can contribute to the anti-bully blog, or any questions you may have, you can FB me or e-mail me

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