Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Movie Review: The Lucky One

SO over the weekend I went to the movie theater....which is unheard of for me. I'm typically a "Wait until it's on DVD" Person...ACTUALLY there are a couple movies playing RIGHT NOW that I would gladly go see...well...this one wasn't on my list. This past weekend though, my girl friends and I had a night without the guys...and this is a REALLY rare occurrence. I was basically outnumbered and a good sport, so we went to see "The Lucky one". Not going to lie, I went for the hot Zac Efferon scenes. Before I start into this, I'm going to confess, not into chick flicks. My Genre's of choice? Comedy, Action and Thriller. IF this is your Genre, you may love this, my friends were telling me how great they thought it was. It WASN'T awful, but it seemed to stick to the formula. My friend Amanda sat by me, and I could have TOTALLY pissed her off there, because I knew what was going to happen 5 min before it did. Where do I begin?  Zac Efferon, he was the nice guy who had his guard up...personally I think he played that up too much, and came off as too serious and cold. I think he could have softened a LITTLE. The character WAS a nice guy, like an above and beyond nice guy, the BEST scenes for this character was interacting with the son in the movie. Taylor Shilling, played a fantastic mom, like amazing mom! SLIGHT SPOILER! She was a strong woman, but she feared her ex and his powerful family. She was one, who you could predict what was coming, when she was going to find her strength, when she was going to be scared, when she was going to cry, and the list continues. Honestly while I liked the character, I think I found myself paying attention to her outfit more, because I already knew what was coming. The bad guy? Her Ex! Played by Jar R. Ferguson. He did a GOOD job of making you hate him, but HE was the MOST predictable character in the WHOLE movie. POSSIBLE SPOILER! You knew when he had a Beer in his hand, things were going to get bad. When his ex tried to talk to him he was going to be a prick. When Zac Effron's Character was there he was going to be a REAL prick. You see EARLY on in the movie why he's the way he is (his father). AND when he has his major freak out considering he's a cop, it's what you would expect. My Two FAVORITE Characters were the Grandmother, and the kid. The kid, Ben,  was multi talented, and he was SHARP. He had some of the funniest lines in the movie. Ben was athletic, artistic, and a smart kid. What's more he is what always softened up the hardcore soldier. The Grandmother, was the wise one with the life experience. She was played by Blyth Danner, and could say A LOT without saying anything. She was what she needed to be in everyone's life. This movie was your stereotypical Chick Flick, if that's your thing, you may love this. I'm not saying it was horrible, I'm saying it wasn't for me. I'd give it a 6.5, which is .9 more than what IMDB gave it.  Like I said though, not my Genre, if it's yours, might be a good fit :)

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