LOL seriously I'm chuckling to myself right now. In this corner Courtney Love, who's relevance died with her husband and the ONE good song Hole released. In the other Lily Allen who's claim to fame is her wardrobe malfunctions and cellulite exposures. Seriously these two stand-up ladies have locked horns from the sounds of it, and Lily Allen is totally trying to downplay it but seriously made is sound far worse than I personally thought it was. And she tried VIA Twitter, because celebrities don't need a manager anymore, just a phone with internet access. She said things like I told her to shut up and stop spreading rumors about me, and I don't pick on crazy old ladies
Okay now getting back to being a mature adult, are you SERIOUS?
She should have ended the whole thing at we exchanged words yes, and probably wrapped it up with but it was no where near as escalated as everyone seems to think. There. Done. Clearing the air. Nice. NO! I told her to shut up and stop spreading rumors about me? Then I bet Courtney stole her fruit roll-up and pushed her off the swing. And I don't pick on crazy old ladies? REALLY? I really think Courtney Love has some mad issues, but she could drop kick you into next week honey. And you know what's worse than a crazy OLD lady, a crazy Young one who clearly hasn't peaked yet. Wow it's REALLY bad when I can sit here and gawk at the lack of maturity, because I am by no means mature and growned up.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I don't mean to Brag...buuuuuut....

*knocks on wood* I haven't gotten sick this flu season. Out of the blue right? Well yes and no, my Boyfriend is currently in his second stint. Am I just immune, or did I get the shot? NO. I take precautionary measures, and Yes I'm sharing. It's not really a magic spell or anything, it's pretty basic but it's stuff you might take for granted. I take a Multi Vitamin for one. My Bf only does when he IS sick. Hydration! I'm a freakin camel. You should see how much water I drink in a day. 2liters easy. best way to do this ? Seriously get a big bottle and just leave it beside you, you'll feel compelled to drink... a lot. Excersise. PLEASE DON'T HIT ME. I read this somewhere, and I can't remember why eaxctly, probably because your body is healthier in general when you include activity, so you're body is probably better equiped to fight the germs. Pro Biotic Yogurt, the bacteria apparently fights the other bacteria and there is a bactiria war or something...who knows I'm no doctor, I just know this whole routine has been working. Fruits and Veggies. In my case it tends to be more veggies because I'm weird and allergic to most fruits, the list is actually shorter of the ones I can eat opposed to the ones I can't. Luckly Oranges are on the Can list, and Vitamin C is the next thing. Try and get Garlic into EVERYTHING. That's an easy one for me, but ask Rob, most of the time I smell like a salami from cutting it or grating it. Now in the past when I have gotten sick I've used these same things but tweaked a little. Liquid intake is upped. I drink a glass of OJ one hour, Water the next and chuck in Tea the next, and repeate, and Soup becomes my best friend. I tend to go for a vapo rub and if I'm really sick, tylenol cold or whatever.This part is gross, SPIT. Really, you know that gross flem and stuff, spit it out. Your body is breaking it all up and trying to get rid of it so help the body out, and spit it. And finally rest, If you're getting a cold and you're off in two days, I'd say tough it out until your day off, and plan on spending it in bed. Just resting, avoid TV and te computer because they stimulate your brain, so no, not resting, you could read though... I'm not a doctor, or an expert. I'm simply sharing what's working for me...and well... Ihaven't been sick yet...just sayin...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Changing the way the world looks at....HOTDOGS?!

Well I guess that finding a cure for cancer can go to the back burner because the health system has a much bigger crisis on their hands!!! THE SHAPE OF HOTDOGS!!! Clearly I'M not serious but I came across an article today that has people looking at the shape of a hot dog as a serious health threat. Now typically I would jump to the conclusion that this is just dumb before finding out the reasoning behind this, so I read on. It's because according to a study 10,000 children under the age of 14 are taken to the emergency room every year from choking on food...77 of those children will die...and 17% is due to hot dogs....okay yeah should've gone with my first instinct. In absolutely NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM am I laughing at a child dying from choking on a hot dog, I FULLY understand that is a serious situation. But The fact that it's coming to the point where the manufacturers of hot dogs need to rethink the shape of the product that has been around far longer than I have because kids today are choking on them? I don't think I was any different when I was a kid in comparison to kids today, but lets cover how hot dogs work for young kids. When I was little I'd get my little plate and my dad would slice up my hot dogs into smaller than bite size peices, because lets be honest here the bite isn't the issue, clearly it's the chewing. So I'd have my little hot dog slices sitting on my plate, and a small puddle of ketchup. And I'm still here so I'm gonna say this method is effective...If you make hot dogs any other shape, don't they become bologna?
Monday, February 22, 2010
If I were a celebrity Perez Hilton wouldn't like me...

This is pretty clear to me now. I am a Perez follower but he and I seem to clash with our celebrity preferences. Now if it were just the preferences, I'd think okay yeah we could mesh, but he greatly dislikes celebrities, I tend to relate to. Have You ever seen Knocked up? You know the part where Seth Rogan says he thinks Vince Vaughn would like to hang out with him? Yes I have a couple of those, if you haven't seen my last blog... Today he was kind of brutal on Kristen Stewart. Yup she's one I could see me hanging out with, I've said before I tend to be good friends with girls who are also one of the guys, you can't tell me she's not. Anyway she won an award at the BAFTA's and he ripped into her acceptance speech. As a radio announcer, I could probably do the same but I won't. You know how when you were in High School and you REALLY didn't want to do your presentation in front of the class and when you did it was all awkward and stuff? Yeah that was pretty what her speech was like. I like her but yeah she seemed awkward about doing it. Might have something to do with the fact she was in a dress...that wasn't black! My Prom dress was black, and as soon as I was allowed to put on my jeans, well I was in Jeans...So why am I on about it? Well Perez refered to it as "brutal" and "painful", I thought that was a bit harsh, I chose awkward. not knocking the guy because if I was all offened and stuff I wouldn't follow him online, and I'll likely go to his site as soon as I'm done here. I just know my speech would have been similar to Kristen's. People who are like, why you're on the radio, it's different when you SEE the people listening to you. Anyone who saw my JUST before I did the closing ceremonies for the Pavilion cup, they'll tell you I was nervous.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Chillan WITH a Villain?

Okay so if you don't follow Perez, you probably missed this: . Note the I suppose it's not good that I look at this and think, Dude this is a chick I could chill with. When I hang out with my friends, that's what we do say random things and make each other laugh. The way Helena acted on that show? That's a fun time at my house, and I seriously have a Hot Chocolate story too! If she's a little nuts it's cool I know I'm a little out there some times. Also look at the roles she's played, it would've had to rub off at some point or another. Don't worry there Bellatrix, I dig! On another note, I'd like to point out something I learned in school. My Journalism teacher told me that a good interview can be mistaken for two people having a conversation, so well done Craig Ferguson! Now before you make a comment on her outfit keep in mind her other half is Tim Burton, you know girls do wear things to make their dude happy! So Helena, you're a villain in one of my favorite movie/book series of all time, but if you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods we can have a hot chocolate, you bring the marshmallows! Just leave your wand with the dark lord, I don't want to end up like the Longbottoms, or your Cousin.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
One of the guys
Okay so I have been "one of the guys" for as long as I can remember. In High School I actually had a guy friend who said one day "Nancy's a GIRL"? I've always had more guy friends than girl friends and the girl friends I did have, are the same way. I'm 23 now, and well I wear dresses and heels from time to time now, Makeup and hair did are a must on a daily basis. BUT while I am more feminine than I once was, I'm still diggin on "guy stuff". A crappy term. I hate that "guy things" and "girl things". I was walking down the street the other night and a dude was wearing a skirt...actually I think it was a kilt, but whatever. That would be a "girl type thing" wouldn't it? I don't get why he wore it to be honest, and not because he's a guy, because it was a freakin cold night. My name is Nancy Wood. I play video games, and read comic books. My favorite thing to wear is jeans with a t-shirt and hoodie, and yes I'll have fries with that. Do I still have my barbie collection? no but I'm pretty sure I still have all my ninja turtle action figures including my 5 foot clan members. I like Rock music, and Simon Pegg movies. I don't leave the toilet seat up, but I leave my towels on the floor. I'd rather go play pool with the guys than go get my nails done with the girls. If I ask an honest question, I don't get mad at an honest answer, mind games suck. I may be one of the guys, but YES I am a girl!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Making up stories
Okay so recently people I went to college with have been getting in touch with me and we've been talking a lot. I love this man it's awesome, but I've recently noticed one in particular has clearly run out of things to talk about. Have you ever had that friend who seems to make up stories when they've run out of things to say. I had a girl who was literally one of my best friends in college tell me a story yesterday. Now because of that her story sounded like something I would've done in my "wild" college days, but I REALLY didn't remember this and I have an amazing long term memory. Anyway she dropped some names of people who were "with us" when this went down. One of these people got a job before grad so we actually drifted away for a point in time. What she doesn't know is recently we've reconnected and talk almost daily. So it probably struck him out of the blue last night when I mentioned this "incident" to him. BTW he doesn't remember either and agreed with's something we'd remember. So while I love her I have come to the conclusion my friend has nothing better to talk about so she's started telling stories...that being said it really was a funny one :P
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Valentines Day...
Okay as a Christmas nut I simply do not get why people do the bah humbug deal, when I feel that dark out-look would be better directed at Valentines day. I know what you're thinking, she single right? Wrong, I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years, so why the negative views on Valentines day? Because it basically tells people who are single, that it's not okay. Before I met my boyfriend I had no interest in having a boyfriend, and I spent my valentines day with a girlfriend, who like me didn't want to be tied down by a guy. We had a blast. That is just one of the reasons I dislike it. The other is why do we need a day to tell the person we love we love them? Shouldn't that be an everyday thing?I by no means begrudge the people who do celebrate though. No Ill feelings at all, I just don't celebrate...I don't celebrate Superbowl either, and well a lot of my co-workers did. My plan is to watch No TV until 9pm, just line up all my favorite DVD's and watch them one right after another with a big bowl of popcorn. At 9 is the Sunday night Cartoons, which are awesome!!! To everyone celebrating, please enjoy your day, to everyone who's not...Still enjoy your day!
Monday, February 8, 2010
women and Their purses

Boy Scouts got nothin on a woman and her purse. Seriously ladies we have EVERYTHING in our purses, if it's not in our purse, it's something we haven't needed in the last 2 months. This Blog is prompted by my creeping a friends fb and she took a pic of the contents of her purse. Now I'd be lying if I said I had my purse with me EVERYWHERE I went, but I know I feel far more secure with it. And why not I carry SO much in it. What's in your purse? Well I thought I'd share my contents: Sunglasses, Reading glasses (actually I'm wearing them but that's where they're kept) Lady stuff, hand cream, breath mints, eyedrops, makeup sponge, lip gloss, blistex (yes both), Batteries, hair tie, bobbie pins, safety pins, q-tips, day planner, Tylenol, Pepto bismol tablets, cuticle cream, eyelash curler, comb, eyeliner, concelaer, foundation, brush, camera, nail clippers, a pen, a couple of pay stubs (haunting me because all of that $ is gone), My Keys, a list of things on sale that might intrest me (yeah I watch flyers hardcore to save $) Bandaids, my wallet (still no $) and blotting papers...really need to weigh this thing some time. So ladies, what's in your purse?
Wow um so much for me blogging during the weekend. I was one of 2 places all weekend long, Pavilion cup, or home nursing a sick boyfriend...who didn't want to be nursed...but says he feels much better now...mmhmm. So this year Pavilion was totally big and better than last year! The winning teams were some of the ones who had the most fun which you love to see. All I'll say about how our team fared is...we had fun :P. I know i had a blast watching them. Yesterday I MCed the closing ceremonies and I have no problem telling you this, I was scared out of my wits. Hand me a microphone, no problem, hand me a microphone and stick me in front of a whole bunch of people who are looking at me, different story. I got through it though and I think I only messed up twice...but whose counting? Anyway I'll be posting pics on the fb page in the next day or two, my comp was glitching and not letting me upload earlier so I'll have to try again. Thanks again to everyone who came out to Pavilion cup this weekend, now they can start planning for next year! :P
Friday, February 5, 2010
I am sooo freakin pumped. Seriously, I can't wait for tomorrow. Yes Pavilion Cup kicks off today but I can't make it until tomorrow morning. What's kind of sad is I'm THIS excited...I'm not on the Pond Jockeys, and have been skating once ever, and I was 3...and for like the last part I was sitting on a chair while my mom pushed me around the ice...Anyway...As far as I'm concerned my blog is no place for "Advertising" But if and event is coming up that I plan on being at, or I'm really excited for, yeah you'll see it here. I actually started talking about Pavilion to people before Christmas. Anyway I'm heading out tomorrow morning @ about 10am (I'm walking) with my Boyfriend and my friend Laura. We'll be meeting up with our receptionist Michelle, we'll all be sporting K100 Jerseys and we'll be the Pond Jockey Cheerleaders ( Not sure how happy my bf would be about being refered to as a cheerleader)! You know when your work place has a big get together and the people you really like, but don't always get a chance to say hi to are there? Yeah that's what it's gonna be for us, and on top of it TONS of stuff happening. Hope to see everyone out there! It's gonna be a blast, and all for a great cause!
PS I'm hoping to get a couple of blogs in tomorrow too, I'll post them on FB so hopefully I can keep you up on what's going on here, I know Steph will be playing hockey so not to worry Steph, I'll do my best to cover it :P
PS I'm hoping to get a couple of blogs in tomorrow too, I'll post them on FB so hopefully I can keep you up on what's going on here, I know Steph will be playing hockey so not to worry Steph, I'll do my best to cover it :P
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Why Rob makes me laugh
Well here @ K100 we all do a little more work than what you guys catch on the air. There is a bunch of work that goes into our shows, sometimes we need to get out and do stuff around town, our live on locations, by the end of the day we can be pretty tired. Now Rob Weir our Midday announcer, he's also our producer and he sets everything up for those live on locations. Rob is a pretty humble, and anyone who has met him can probably tell you, Rob is really one of the nicest guys you can ever meet. Well Rob was out setting a live on location up today, and came back smiling, telling us how nice the people were there where he was setting up, and very accommodating. Well I was saying well that's nice, Rob quietly mentioned...she listens to the 90's at noon. At which point loud and boisterous me, I laughed and said OOOHHH so she was a fan. Rob kinda smiled a little and that ended the conversation. And this is one of the many reasons why Rob makes me laugh. I felt the need to share this because well I think it's a cute story and I think everyone should know just how hard this guy works!
If you saw on FB...
In case you saw my status on FB...the proud thing? it's like this. I did the New Years Resolution to, eat healthier and lose weight. Well I kicked the whole thing off about a month ago, I tracked what I ate so I was fully aware of...well the crap I was putting in my body and made some adjustments. I also have been forcing myself (and at times it has required force) to exercise AT LEAST 3 times a week. I was weighing in and seeing slight differences. Well tomorrow marks the offical 1 month point, this is where I saw a dramatic difference. I have lost 10lbs, and am very proud. So this is me sharing why I am absolutely pumped today! :)
Caffeine consumers!!!

And I mean consume in the sense you consume it and not purchase it...though I'd likely be talking to the same person. So my typical day has me getting up at about 9, and the very first thing I do is make my morning coffee. Now by the time 4 ot 5 rolls around I'm feeling like really tired, my coffee buzz is gone, and that doesn't work when your show starts @4. I've recently added more caffeine later in the day at about my dropping point. Then when I get home I usually grab a tea (less caffeine) to keep me going so I can clean or work out or do something more productive than playing my sims game until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. So I'm looking at on a typical day 3 caffeine fixes! Not really a good thing! Well the other morning I was watching Rachel Ray (yes I love her show) and it was their big Good house keeping show. I guess Good House Keeping has been around for well over 100 years. Anyway they were "sharing their secrets" and one definitely called out to me, a caffeine addict. Good House keeping apparently suggests that instead of having your morning coffee have the same amount but in like 2oz servings. So basically do shots of coffee. Makes sense right? Well I'll see how well this one will work for me!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Saint John Animal Rescue League
I REALLY think the ARL is an awesome set up. I almost got a dog from them in the Summer ( broke my heart when we decided against it, but it was the right choice to make looking back and the dog was adopted quickly,he has one of those tutorial stories on their site). I check back to their site A LOT, I'm not really sure why I'm in no position to get another pet right now( I have 2 guinea pigs that take up my time, and I'm @ the station for about 9 hours a day...not really fair to a pet, my 2 pigs have eachother at least) recently I was looking at their site sayin wow look how low those numbers are as far as pets needing homes's gone up. On that note if you're looking for a pet please look into adopting from the Animal rescue league, they are great and work with the Animals and can tell you so much about them. Right now it looks like they've got some great fits for a lot of people. They have a pretty low # of dogs right now which is wonderful, but there are still some there, if you're more of cat person they have quite a few beautiful cats there that you could probably mesh with. If you're in a position that a smaller animal might be a better fit, the 3 is actually pretty high right now, a bunch of bunnies! Thanks for taking the time to have a look at what I had to say :)
Youtube addiction!!!!
Hi my name is Nancy and I'm a Youtube junkie...
YOU know I'm not the only one. How many times has some one e-mailed you a video, posted it on your facebook page, or even just said DUDE you have to see this video? Probably more than you can actually count right? I think you know you have a problem when you start subscribing. Well I'm well past that point by now. I do have a favorite subscription that I'm hoping to share at some point with you. I really I love this guy and I actually have spent hours with friends watching his videos. Now I'm not mentioning his name, or the chanel or anything like that because I am waiting for the green light right now. What I'd like to do is post the link ion a regular basis. If I were doing this once or twice I'd just say whatever and post it, but I really want to push these vids, I really think they're that good, so I e-mailed this guy like 5 min ago and asked if that was cool with him. Yes public forum I get it but I just don't want to be a total lamer like that. Now he posts his vids twice a week. If I was smart I would have messaged him yesterday. I know he checks fan e-mails on the days he releases new videos and he has one coming out tonight. So like I said, just sent I may end up waiting until the next release date. That wouldn't be aweful becuase then I could post the first one on like Monday. The next few days are just going to be nuts with Pavilion cup coming, like crazy fun, but also really busy. So basically I just wanted to tell you I'm hoping to share these vids with you...keep your fingers crossed for me!
YOU know I'm not the only one. How many times has some one e-mailed you a video, posted it on your facebook page, or even just said DUDE you have to see this video? Probably more than you can actually count right? I think you know you have a problem when you start subscribing. Well I'm well past that point by now. I do have a favorite subscription that I'm hoping to share at some point with you. I really I love this guy and I actually have spent hours with friends watching his videos. Now I'm not mentioning his name, or the chanel or anything like that because I am waiting for the green light right now. What I'd like to do is post the link ion a regular basis. If I were doing this once or twice I'd just say whatever and post it, but I really want to push these vids, I really think they're that good, so I e-mailed this guy like 5 min ago and asked if that was cool with him. Yes public forum I get it but I just don't want to be a total lamer like that. Now he posts his vids twice a week. If I was smart I would have messaged him yesterday. I know he checks fan e-mails on the days he releases new videos and he has one coming out tonight. So like I said, just sent I may end up waiting until the next release date. That wouldn't be aweful becuase then I could post the first one on like Monday. The next few days are just going to be nuts with Pavilion cup coming, like crazy fun, but also really busy. So basically I just wanted to tell you I'm hoping to share these vids with you...keep your fingers crossed for me!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Gambler

You gotta know when to hold em...know when to fold em.
Just got off the phone with one of my regular listeners, this girl I talk to her a couple nights a week, she has been to the station and we met, the whole deal. We'll call her Mrs. Lautner (She'd love that). Well Mrs. Lautner is an Ellen Degeneris (doubt I spelled that right) fan. I guess Ellen has decided to cut out her added sugar. Well Mrs. Lautner has decided to follow suit for 4 months . Now Mrs. Lautner's mom, we'll caller Taylor's Mother in-law, doesn't so much expect her to make it. See Mrs. Lautner is a big ketchup user, and well look at the label folks. So Mrs. Lautner, and Taylor's Mother in-law have placed a bet. If Mrs. Lautner makes it, she doesn't have to do laundry or something? I think that's what she said, but if she doesn't she's lookin at double duty. Good luck Mrs. Lautner...double laundry sucks dude!
Ground Hog day

Okay so today has been another Groundhog day...guess what...he saw his shadow! I hate to be a total pessimist here but I think I might be more shocked if he didn't. I don't remember a time when I didn't hear another 6 weeks of Winter. To be honest though, what do we have to complain about, knock on wood, we've had a pretty good Winter thus far. I think last year this time I'd already worn a co-workers coffee when he slipped on the ice. I don't dislike Ground Hog day, look at that thing, it's too cute, If I wake up tomorrow and have to relive today a couple times...might be a different story...
Potter Heads!
Hey Potter Fans, were you planning on watching the Superbowl this weekend?
Yeah me neither...until now. Universal has shelled out the ridiculously
large sum of cash required (this year 3mil I believe) to air the first
ever comercial for the upcoming Harry Potter theme park during the Superbowl. I'm not a
football fan, so I ...think the screen... in screen function on my tv may be used on my TV this Sunday so I don't miss the commercials this year!
My First Blog
Okay. I've heard about Blogging for a few years now, and I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Easy to get swept up in all the hype when one of your co-workers posts some great stuff all the time ( yes Steph I blame you...peer pressure :P). Anyway here it is I give in...this blog is my first so yeah it sucks.