Monday, February 8, 2010


Wow um so much for me blogging during the weekend. I was one of 2 places all weekend long, Pavilion cup, or home nursing a sick boyfriend...who didn't want to be nursed...but says he feels much better now...mmhmm. So this year Pavilion was totally big and better than last year! The winning teams were some of the ones who had the most fun which you love to see. All I'll say about how our team fared is...we had fun :P. I know i had a blast watching them. Yesterday I MCed the closing ceremonies and I have no problem telling you this, I was scared out of my wits. Hand me a microphone, no problem, hand me a microphone and stick me in front of a whole bunch of people who are looking at me, different story. I got through it though and I think I only messed up twice...but whose counting? Anyway I'll be posting pics on the fb page in the next day or two, my comp was glitching and not letting me upload earlier so I'll have to try again. Thanks again to everyone who came out to Pavilion cup this weekend, now they can start planning for next year! :P

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