Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Changing the way the world looks at....HOTDOGS?!

Well I guess that finding a cure for cancer can go to the back burner because the health system has a much bigger crisis on their hands!!! THE SHAPE OF HOTDOGS!!! Clearly I'M not serious but I came across an article today that has people looking at the shape of a hot dog as a serious health threat. Now typically I would jump to the conclusion that this is just dumb before finding out the reasoning behind this, so I read on. It's because according to a study 10,000 children under the age of 14 are taken to the emergency room every year from choking on food...77 of those children will die...and 17% is due to hot dogs....okay yeah should've gone with my first instinct. In absolutely NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM am I laughing at a child dying from choking on a hot dog, I FULLY understand that is a serious situation. But The fact that it's coming to the point where the manufacturers of hot dogs need to rethink the shape of the product that has been around far longer than I have because kids today are choking on them? I don't think I was any different when I was a kid in comparison to kids today, but lets cover how hot dogs work for young kids. When I was little I'd get my little plate and my dad would slice up my hot dogs into smaller than bite size peices, because lets be honest here the bite isn't the issue, clearly it's the chewing. So I'd have my little hot dog slices sitting on my plate, and a small puddle of ketchup. And I'm still here so I'm gonna say this method is effective...If you make hot dogs any other shape, don't they become bologna?

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