Thursday, February 4, 2010

Caffeine consumers!!!

And I mean consume in the sense you consume it and not purchase it...though I'd likely be talking to the same person. So my typical day has me getting up at about 9, and the very first thing I do is make my morning coffee. Now by the time 4 ot 5 rolls around I'm feeling like really tired, my coffee buzz is gone, and that doesn't work when your show starts @4. I've recently added more caffeine later in the day at about my dropping point. Then when I get home I usually grab a tea (less caffeine) to keep me going so I can clean or work out or do something more productive than playing my sims game until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. So I'm looking at on a typical day 3 caffeine fixes! Not really a good thing! Well the other morning I was watching Rachel Ray (yes I love her show) and it was their big Good house keeping show. I guess Good House Keeping has been around for well over 100 years. Anyway they were "sharing their secrets" and one definitely called out to me, a caffeine addict. Good House keeping apparently suggests that instead of having your morning coffee have the same amount but in like 2oz servings. So basically do shots of coffee. Makes sense right? Well I'll see how well this one will work for me!


  1. or just eat more nuitritous foods and cut the coffee... it will do better for your vigor

  2. You know how when a baby is conceived if the father had an addiction to a drug that can carry over to the child? I seriously think that happened to me (caffeine actually is a drug so I suppose it could be accurate). My father ONLY drinks (not an exaggeration what so ever) Coffee and water, no milk or juice...DEFINITELY no Pepsi. Not sure I have a chance :/
