Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines Day...

Okay as a Christmas nut I simply do not get why people do the bah humbug deal, when I feel that dark out-look would be better directed at Valentines day. I know what you're thinking, she single right? Wrong, I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years, so why the negative views on Valentines day? Because it basically tells people who are single, that it's not okay. Before I met my boyfriend I had no interest in having a boyfriend, and I spent my valentines day with a girlfriend, who like me didn't want to be tied down by a guy. We had a blast. That is just one of the reasons I dislike it. The other is why do we need a day to tell the person we love we love them? Shouldn't that be an everyday thing?I by no means begrudge the people who do celebrate though. No Ill feelings at all, I just don't celebrate...I don't celebrate Superbowl either, and well a lot of my co-workers did. My plan is to watch No TV until 9pm, just line up all my favorite DVD's and watch them one right after another with a big bowl of popcorn. At 9 is the Sunday night Cartoons, which are awesome!!! To everyone celebrating, please enjoy your day, to everyone who's not...Still enjoy your day!

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