Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I don't mean to Brag...buuuuuut....

*knocks on wood* I haven't gotten sick this flu season. Out of the blue right? Well yes and no, my Boyfriend is currently in his second stint. Am I just immune, or did I get the shot? NO. I take precautionary measures, and Yes I'm sharing. It's not really a magic spell or anything, it's pretty basic but it's stuff you might take for granted. I take a Multi Vitamin for one. My Bf only does when he IS sick. Hydration! I'm a freakin camel. You should see how much water I drink in a day. 2liters easy. best way to do this ? Seriously get a big bottle and just leave it beside you, you'll feel compelled to drink... a lot. Excersise. PLEASE DON'T HIT ME. I read this somewhere, and I can't remember why eaxctly, probably because your body is healthier in general when you include activity, so you're body is probably better equiped to fight the germs. Pro Biotic Yogurt, the bacteria apparently fights the other bacteria and there is a bactiria war or something...who knows I'm no doctor, I just know this whole routine has been working. Fruits and Veggies. In my case it tends to be more veggies because I'm weird and allergic to most fruits, the list is actually shorter of the ones I can eat opposed to the ones I can't. Luckly Oranges are on the Can list, and Vitamin C is the next thing. Try and get Garlic into EVERYTHING. That's an easy one for me, but ask Rob, most of the time I smell like a salami from cutting it or grating it. Now in the past when I have gotten sick I've used these same things but tweaked a little. Liquid intake is upped. I drink a glass of OJ one hour, Water the next and chuck in Tea the next, and repeate, and Soup becomes my best friend. I tend to go for a vapo rub and if I'm really sick, tylenol cold or whatever.This part is gross, SPIT. Really, you know that gross flem and stuff, spit it out. Your body is breaking it all up and trying to get rid of it so help the body out, and spit it. And finally rest, If you're getting a cold and you're off in two days, I'd say tough it out until your day off, and plan on spending it in bed. Just resting, avoid TV and te computer because they stimulate your brain, so no, not resting, you could read though... I'm not a doctor, or an expert. I'm simply sharing what's working for me...and well... Ihaven't been sick yet...just sayin...

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