Monday, February 8, 2010

women and Their purses

Boy Scouts got nothin on a woman and her purse. Seriously ladies we have EVERYTHING in our purses, if it's not in our purse, it's something we haven't needed in the last 2 months. This Blog is prompted by my creeping a friends fb and she took a pic of the contents of her purse. Now I'd be lying if I said I had my purse with me EVERYWHERE I went, but I know I feel far more secure with it. And why not I carry SO much in it. What's in your purse? Well I thought I'd share my contents: Sunglasses, Reading glasses (actually I'm wearing them but that's where they're kept) Lady stuff, hand cream, breath mints, eyedrops, makeup sponge, lip gloss, blistex (yes both), Batteries, hair tie, bobbie pins, safety pins, q-tips, day planner, Tylenol, Pepto bismol tablets, cuticle cream, eyelash curler, comb, eyeliner, concelaer, foundation, brush, camera, nail clippers, a pen, a couple of pay stubs (haunting me because all of that $ is gone), My Keys, a list of things on sale that might intrest me (yeah I watch flyers hardcore to save $) Bandaids, my wallet (still no $) and blotting papers...really need to weigh this thing some time. So ladies, what's in your purse?

1 comment:

  1. I thought I would bite since I have a purse now- approximately two months old. Previously I only carried a wallet- a Habs wallet of course- but due to fear of loosing credit cards which were falling out repeatedly, I was convinced to join in on the purse craze. Does this make me barely female? Perhaps. But I am catching up.

    I should also state before I begin that my "purse" is not actually a purse. Actually its a Wii bag that I saw at Liquidation World while doing some Christmas shopping. I didn't clue in that it wasn't a purse- the cashier didn't have the heart to tell me as I was raving about its coolness. I did wonder about the strange pocket and elastic spots but I credited it with just having very unusual but useful, organizational tools. On Christmas Day, my friend's eight year old was kind enough to point out the obvious- and also explain why my change holder had a id marker sewn into it saying "sensor bar." Of course this revelation lead me to purchase a Wii shortly after Christmas (had to have something to put into the bag after all) but I digress.

    So what are my contents. Well in my "change section", I found some canadian tire money and parking tokens along with some lip gloss/chap stick (what is this Nivea thing?). My cool Montreal Canadiens wallet is loose in the general area as are numerous pens and my car insurance documents. Some business cards in my business card holder and some loose sugar that appears to have made its way to the bottom. Need to clean out my purse already it seems. In the pull out games cd holder, there are more pens, some disposable eye glass cleaner wipes, some dental floss (total necessity if I ever remembered it was there), some Qtips (no idea why actually, I think I was just trying to find something to fill a spot) and some hair clips. Lastly in the middle padded section sans Wii, I have a couple travel makeup compacts, a blush brush and deodorant.

    So that's my purse story and contents.
